Šta su hromozomski mozaici?
OD SVIH POSTOJEĆIH NIPT TESTOVA JEDINO MaterniT testovi imaju mogućnost detekcije MOZAIKA. Drugi način pomoću koga se oni mogu otkriti je invazivna procedura ispitivanje kariotipa.
Kako se interpretira "MOSAIC RATIO"?
Svaki pozitivan rezultat MaterniT testa na aneuploidije može da se interpretira u 3 grupe
Kako se izveštavaju mozaicizmi?
Rezultat testa | Pozitivan Trizomija 13 |
Komentar direktora laboratorije This specimen showed an increased representation of chromosome 13, suggestive of high mosaic trisomy 13, which may affect the reported PPV (Rafalko et al, 2020). In placental testing, trisomy 13 is a common finding that is often confined to the placenta (CPM), Grafi et al, 2014. However, true fetal involvement is associated with phenotypic abnormality. Genetic counseling, confirmatory diagnostic testing, and clinical correlation are recommended. Ovaj rezultat pokazuje da su i fetus i placenta najverovatnije opterećeni hromozomskim mozaicizmom. |
Rezultat testa | Pozitivan Trizomija 18 |
Komentar direktora laboratorije This specimen showed an increased representation of chromosome 18, suggestive of low mosaic trisomy 18, which may affect the reported PPV (Rafalko et al, 2020). In placental testing, trisomy 18 is a common finding that is often confined to the placenta (CPM), Grafi et al, 2014. However, true fetal involvement is associated with phenotypic abnormality. Genetic counseling, confirmatory diagnostic testing, and clinical correlation are recommended. Ovaj rezultat pokazuje da je samo placenta najverovatnije opterećena hromozomskim mozaicizmom. |